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The Soundtrackcollector database contains:
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Search Results
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A search for 'Charade ' gave the following results:

3 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
1 matches in labels:
  1. Somebody Killed Her Husband (Seven Seas FML 108)
    Original Release Title: Charade

340 matches in tracks
  1. Charade (02:37)
    from Martin Böttcher - Die Großen Film- Und TV-Melodien
    Henry Mancini - aus dem Film "Charade" - Gitarre: Siegfried Schwab
  2. Charade (02:37)
    from High And The Mighty, The
    Henry Mancini - aus dem Film "Charade" - Gitarre: Siegfried Schwab
  3. Charade (02:37)
    from High Noon
    Henry Mancini - aus dem Film "Charade" - Gitarre: Siegfried Schwab
  4. Charade (02:37)
    from Orfeu Negro
    Henry Mancini - aus dem Film "Charade" - Gitarre: Siegfried Schwab
  5. Charade (02:37)
    from Buono, Il Brutto, Il Cattivo, Il
    Henry Mancini - aus dem Film "Charade" - Gitarre: Siegfried Schwab
  6. Charade (02:37)
    from Laura
    Henry Mancini - aus dem Film "Charade" - Gitarre: Siegfried Schwab
  7. Charade (02:37)
    from Homme Et Une Femme, Un
    Henry Mancini - aus dem Film "Charade" - Gitarre: Siegfried Schwab
  8. Charade (02:37)
    from Summer Place, A
    Henry Mancini - aus dem Film "Charade" - Gitarre: Siegfried Schwab
  9. Charade (02:37)
    from Gone With The Wind
    Henry Mancini - aus dem Film "Charade" - Gitarre: Siegfried Schwab
  10. Charade (02:37)
    from Love Story
    Henry Mancini - aus dem Film "Charade" - Gitarre: Siegfried Schwab
  11. Charade (02:37)
    from Picnic
    Henry Mancini - aus dem Film "Charade" - Gitarre: Siegfried Schwab
  12. Charade (02:37)
    from Schwarze Schaf, Das
    Henry Mancini - aus dem Film "Charade" - Gitarre: Siegfried Schwab
  13. Charade (02:37)
    from Er Kanns Nicht Lassen
    Henry Mancini - aus dem Film "Charade" - Gitarre: Siegfried Schwab
  14. Charade (02:37)
    from From Russia With Love
    Henry Mancini - aus dem Film "Charade" - Gitarre: Siegfried Schwab
  15. Charade (02:37)
    from Charade
    Henry Mancini - aus dem Film "Charade" - Gitarre: Siegfried Schwab
  16. Charade (02:37)
    from Breakfast At Tiffany's
    Henry Mancini - aus dem Film "Charade" - Gitarre: Siegfried Schwab
  17. Charade (02:37)
    from C'era Una Volta Il West
    Henry Mancini - aus dem Film "Charade" - Gitarre: Siegfried Schwab
  18. Charade (02:37)
    from Cangaçeiro, O'
    Henry Mancini - aus dem Film "Charade" - Gitarre: Siegfried Schwab
  19. Charade (02:37)
    from My Foolish Heart
    Henry Mancini - aus dem Film "Charade" - Gitarre: Siegfried Schwab
  20. Charade (02:37)
    from Exodus
    Henry Mancini - aus dem Film "Charade" - Gitarre: Siegfried Schwab
Show all 340 matching tracks